Autoimmune disorders affect up to 50 million Americans, with women being 75 percent of those affected. Although symptoms may vary greatly, all autoimmune diseases essentially result when inflammation initiates a response where the body attacks its own tissue.
Hemp Extract can benefit patients suffering autoimmune disorders because it activates a system of receptors that regulate inflammation and immune cell activity.
Hemp Extract helps to calm an overactive immune system, allowing the body’s self-defense to return to homeostasis. Research has demonstrated that Hemp Extract can help the many autoimmune conditions. The specific autoimmune conditions that have been studied include rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, type 2 diabetes, celiac disease and inflammatory bowel diseases.
Since all autoimmune conditions involve an overactive immune system and chronic inflammation, it is only logical that the use of Hemp Extract would be beneficial for any kind of autoimmune issue.
Thank you for taking your time to become educated on the science and technologies behind the best health supplements.
My best wishes for your best health.
Frank Davis,
Founder and CEO of Optivida Health
[For more science-based evidence for the use of hemp extract read "Hemp Health Revolution: The A to Z Health Benefits of Hemp Extract"]Â
*Future Med Chem. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 Aug 1. Published in final edited form as:
Future Med Chem. 2009 Oct; 1(7): 1333–1349.
doi: 10.4155/fmc.09.93
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Cannabinoids decrease the th17 inflammatory autoimmune phenotype.
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The endocannabinoid system:an emerging key player in inflammation.